Find and Instantly Book Local Service Pros

App to find handyman

How House Fly Works

Step 1

Create an Account

  • Sign up is free with no monthly fees
  • Enter your information and select your service for instant access to your account

Handyman estimate app

Step 2

Enter Your Service and Profile Information

  • Add your company description, photos of your work, custom service settings, and prices
  • Set your own days and hours of availability

Handyman estimate app

Step 3

Grow Your Business!

  • Customers can book your services based on your profile, prices, reviews, and hours of availability
  • After a job is completed, the money is sent to your account and the customer can leave a review and rating to help grow your business

Handyman estimate app

Ready to get started?

The one app you need to
get everything done.

housefly app web
App to find handyman

How House Fly Works

Step 1

Create an Account

  • Sign up is free
  • Enter your information for instant access to your account

Handyman estimate app

Step 2

Compare and Book Local Service Providers

  • Quickly search through local service provider’s profiles, prices, ratings, and reviews
  • Select the day and time that works best for you and instantly book your service

Handyman estimate app

Step 3

Privacy and Security

  • All transactions are handled securely
  • Chat allows you to message service providers directly to avoid giving out your personal phone number or email address

House cleaning services app

Ready to get started?

The one app you need to
get everything done.

How to grow my company